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World War Z (Netflix)

I am not at all enamored with this zombie apocalypse movies that is proliferating the cinemas. Why the fuck would you wish for that?

World War Z is probably the third zombie movie I watched in my entire life (after I am Legend and Zombieland) and I liked that it isn't as gory as the previous ones I watched. This movie actually is seeking for a pathogen to end the virus. As in all his movies Brad Pitt is again the hero of this one, the old geezer never gets old and is still as fit as fuck (Thank you great genes). In this movie he is an ex-UN investigator which came to close contact with zombies in Newark, NJ. He and his family was extracted and taken to a floating refuge in the sea only in exchange that he work for UN again to seek medication for the worsening epidemic (Pandemic?).

When he tries to refuse he was told his family would be kicked out of the facility, so definitely no choice there right? So he goes to Korea with a geek doctor from Harvard, where after docking, zombies attack them and the geek doctor? Shot himself in the head when he slipped. What a waste. Now then maybe it was a ploy to get our hero Brad Pitt the sole hero of the story. Clap clap.  After Korea he goes to Israel to get info on how they have contained the zombies before hand. So after talk and more talk Brad Pitt and his informant checked the premises. And knowing how Israeli parties went they just couldn't shut up long enough agitating the zombies as shown from the gif above (fuck's sake tone down!)

From Israel they go to the UK to test Brad's hypothesis that the sick doesn't get attacked. They did exactly that in a very stressful manner. The end.

So how was the movie? It was so-so for me, given that the movie was shown years before I might have outgrown the story already. I really don't seem to like open ended stories where there is no definitive end.

Is it worth the watch? Well yeah, For one there is Brad Pitt, and people these days are hooked on this kind of genre. I just hope that if this really happened we get the slow zombies instead of this running ones because we're all fucked.

Rating: 3.5/5


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