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Jane the Virgin (End)


Spoilers ahead.

So Jane is no longer a virgin.

Did I say that on my previous post? No? She got married and her husband was shot which made her traumatized. Michael recovered and I thought that was the start of a long happy relationship but no. Since this is a telenovela, Michael dies (Spoiler).

This made Jane pathetic for a while (how can one cope up with death without being utterly pathetic, duh?!) but Rafael was there to support her. Who is Rafael? He is Jane's baby papa after she was accidentally inseminated by Rafael's sister Luisa. Complicated, Right?

Well anyway, Jane eventually moved on and got together with her first flame, this was after her parents finally got married. Eventually, the first flame didn't work out either and she was back in Rafael's arms that was when things got complicated because Sin Rostro came back into the scene and revealed something really amazing. Michael was alive after all and was living in a new land and a new name.

Of course, this dumbfounded Jane and Rafael and so did I. The twists and turns seemed endless. I hope you find and watch this series because it's a good one with laughs, a few tears and real life situational you can relate.



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