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The Post (Netflix)

If there is one director that I really love then it's Steven Spielberg.

Spielberg has done it all, great story telling, stunning visuals you name it he has done it. So when he does this very significant film? I'm so taken by it.

The Vietnam War is waging. There is no end to the shit-hole that the US has put themselves into not much less the government who wanted to cover up it's humiliation for losing the stupid war in the process. For 6 years (The period the film was supposed to have taken place) the government has tried it's best to cover it's tracks and misinforming the public on how the war situation is going.

A field reporter, decides to publish classified files, thus turning everything into fiasco affecting Richard Nixon's presidency. Nixon, dictator-per-se, did his might when the info was leaked to the press. He used the power of the presidency to prevent the Times in publishing more fodder to the fire. Enter the Post who was at the verge of making an IPO and making an attempt to be a significant national broadsheet. So are they going to be silenced by the bureaucracy's order or are they going to tell the truth to the hell with it?

I thunk this is a very significant piece of art, given that strong men around the world are trying to silence the free press for personal gains. Never had it been more significant, Mr. Spielberg. Genius.



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