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Review Season 4: The Last Kingdom (Netflix)

I have watched the whole season in 3 nights succession.

Season 4 has its share of brutality, quality action and drama. Edward remains a young king that is struggling with emotion and indecisiveness. Aethelfled chose to become chaste in order to rule Mercia. Uhtred? Still a lord without coin and land.

Season 4's dust settles and it is one of the best if not the best season of the Last Kingdom. Every end of episode is a nail biter that if you do have not much control you will definitely hit that next episode button. I did, but I have to set up my mind to 3 episodes per night because we usually start at 11 pm for 3 episodes that'll take us up to 2 am to finish. It's that good. What happens in the end of the season? Uhtred adds another bastard to his band, along with Osferth (welcome to the bastard life son). Queen mother Aelswith has been dealt with poison by Edward's father in law (who's character name escapes me every moment). Wessex controls three of the important kingdoms, The Welsh kingdom has been opened and Uhtred remains in Coccham.

I hope you do watch the series it's enjoyable and educational even if it's fictional in nature you will learn how it was in early medieval England and how they repel Viking incursions in their lands.

Rating: 4.5/5


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