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The Italian Job (2003) [Netflix]


What is it about?

It's about a heist in Italy. Made by a team of specialists, they stole a vault of gold and they managed to get it out by no means an easy job though. It has gone smoothly until they were betrayed by one of them and that is where the fun begins.

Why you should watch this?

For one it's old, I for one if this a remake because if you search for the Italian Job another one crops up and it's from the late 1960's starring Mr. Posh himself Michael Caine. But I am talking about here is the one released in 2003, starring Mark Wahlberg and the hot young gal Charlize Theron (you just like to see her on a white tank top always). The story is okay, the real treat here is the pre-Fast and the Furious car scenes, the heist, and did I say Charlize Theron? I mean c'mon. Casting is good and the whole members did a good job at their respective parts.

Why you shouldn't watch it...

I guess it's a bit dated and you may have watched something more awesome. But heck do watch the movie it is still available in Netflix. Now is the time to enjoy these things not corrupted by too much CGI. And we are still in the Pandemic. Do something that would bother you with what's going on around. 

Rating 4/5


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