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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Ep. 6-23 (Netflix)

Almost finished with season one and what can I say the series has exceeded expectation.

I thought I'd just abandon this one and move on but it has surprised me in many ways. Firstly the sword fights are amazing and you can see the growth of the protagonist from square one to the square he's in at the moment (I don't know where is that). But he has been a hero every step of the way, not merely blood thirsty as some of his demon slayer compatriots but one with a mission to save and empathizes with the demons he slays. Maybe because he also has a sister of a demon to protect (one that also progresses with the hero). It's a nice bro and sis tandem if you watch the series.

Later on he discovers the leader o the demons which is Michael Jackson (gasp!) hey he's just a look-alike but the similarities are very distinct. he turns people into demons just but injecting them of his demon blood from his finger nails. It's a very compelling watch and i hope you do follow the series.

Well Chow for now!



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