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Vagabond Ep. 6-13 (Netflix)

Just when you thought it would be ending the plot twists never stop.

Did I tell you how much I loved this series? Err, About two times already right? It doesn't bore.

The story goes on with Cha digging evidence piece by piece and even went hard as to visiting the S. Korean president on the blue house to report that what transpired wasn't an accident but is a terror attack orchestrated by John & Marks, the company that has been bidding for the next gen fighter jets to upgrade S. Korean defense initiative.

With the seemingly approval from the president. The NIS dig through and confirms that the pilot from the mishap happens to still be alive, confirming this from the "widow" who had a burner phone to conveniently call her husband still hiding in Morocco. An NIS team led by Gi Tae-Ung, goes to Morocco to retrieve the pilot only to be confronted with the realization that the government is trying to sabotage them after completing a deal with John & Marks. Corruption has made it thru the entire institution and it was up to the good men of the organization to sift through the madness of it all.

The group got pinned down and lost most of the team except for 5, Gi, Go Hae-Ri, Cha, Kim SeHun and the pilot Kim Woo Gi. They escaped the ambush and holed up at the KOrean embassy where a team of "rescuers" were supposed to salvage them but alas the saviors turned out to be assassins and they had to survive a whirling fire fight to be able to survive. Luckily Dynamic, thru Edward Park assisted them so they managed to escape, but Gi had to soldier on and pretend that he is one with the government to save Cha and Go Hae-Ri.

I think I've said enough of the story. Please, please watch the series as I told you it won't disappoint.

Series so far. 5/5.


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