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Castlevania (Netflix)

Disclaimer: I do not own the photos or gifs posted here. It's what I got from the net. CTTO

I have just started this Anime series. It's intriguing Castlevania known to me as a game has been released as an Anime series? How cool is that so I checked it and currently watching this. It starts out with a lady visiting Dracula to gain knowledge of science to cure people. Unbeknownst to all, they secretly married. And when the closed minded church learns of this science they burned the lady to the stake.

So how would a husband react to this kind of barbaric treatment to his wife? Of course, chaos! And that is what Dracula unleashed, his minions to prey on the humans causing death and widespread calamity to those affected.

Of course the series also introduces a savior of sorts. A Belmont, the last one. Known to the lands as a family who combats the kinds of Dracula, they too are a victim of the church purging of the old ways. So how does he goes around to be the savior? That is for you to find out also as we travel together in this series.

Early impressions: I think when episodes end they end abruptly, I don't know the reason for this but it irks me at times that there is no smooth transition over the episodes. It's a good series anyway, the plot is solid and the animation is as good as it gets. So there's a lot of promise in here.

3.5/5 stars for now.


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