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Snowpiercer 2013

Review: Snowpiercer (2013) — 3 Brothers Film

So there's a new show in Netflix called Snowpiercer.

We have previewed ep. 1 and it looks promising. But before we dwell on the series the wife suggested we watch the movie first.

"There's a movie?" I asked.

She showed it to me. It stars Chris Evans (Captain America / Human Torch), produced by Koreans and even directed by the Korean director who directed "Parasite". Yes that one. So the story as in the series is about a dystopian future where the earth's "brightest" because of global warming decided to bomb the atmosphere with chemicals that will make the earth cold. And by cold they set ours back to the ice age.

The only thing that let's humans survive is a train threads through ice, Snowpiercer, now you get where the name is from. So in the story the train has a thousand carriages on it's weight. Chris Evans named Curtis in this one comes from the tail. His mission is get to the front. So imagine how is he going to do that. It's a class defining train. The higher class is in the front coaches, the middle class in the middle and the tails are the freeloaders. Classic.

I don't really want to spoil anything right here, watch and just enjoy the movie.



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