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Welcome! (Why OXOMEN)

It's March 2020!

Hi there!

To those who knew me then, here we go again! To those who don't, it's the best time for us to get to know each other under the circumstances of quarantine and Corona Virus, hah!

Doing this new blog because I've been dusting off, and my old blog seems to have been buried with it so I need to start a new one.

I hope this reaches you out in the best outcome. Under these circumstances, I must say I am very proud for our frontliners helping to fight against Covid-19. I hope you stay strong until we overcome this world problem.

To those of us living safely in our homes, I made this blog to keep all of us entertained. But why OXOMEN? Actually, this was intended for use for an e-commerce gig that I was considering until my gut told me to back out at the last minute. It might not work given the present things, so I turned it into a blog (for now).

I think the title is still apt since we are living in tougher times. We need to breathe a little and relax a little to get our heads off the grind of the things that are happening now. We are MEN after all.

This blog space will not only cover the things I want to review but also other ideas I want to share with you guys. So what to expect?
  • Netflix binges I highly recommend
  • Movie reviews
  • Some men's fashion tips
  • Some mobile games I'm into
  • NBA blogs
So sit back and enjoy the rest of the journey!

Socially Distant,



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