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Netflix Goblin (The very late review)

Disclaimer: I do not own the photos or gifs posted here. It's what I got from the net. CTTO

Ok, I must admit that I was smitten by Korean dramas before from way back, say early 2000's? It is because my mom became hooked with a series called Stairway to Heaven from those years that I also got myself tangled with Korean dramas... But that was then, I hoped. After finishing the Witcher season 1 we discussed what should we binge watch next. She suggested Goblin, a Korean drama from 3 years (ago?). So, because you don't want to ever not make the wife unhappy I obliged and even if I didn't like the idea (at the time).

Watching the first episode, the origin of the story, I thought it was well composed and promising so we hit another episode. And that got me hooked, characters were not as serious as turned out to be. Just look at these faces:

The combination of goofiness, drama and romance is combined delicately with every episode. It's even satisfying that this is a fantasy genre. Overall, I am satisfied with the series even though I can say there were some overlaps that could have been avoided, its an enjoyable program that gets you hooked because of entertainment value.

Before I end let me share another goofy moment:

4/5 stars.


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