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Strong Girl Bong Soon (Netflix)


Meet Bong-Soon Do.

She is a typical girl with a fantastic secret to boot. You see, in Bong-Soon Do's family, every girl is born with a special gift. They are born with unusual strength, think Hulk-like. The story goes like this: A young man was travelling through bus to visit the grave of his mother. But when the bus he is riding suddenly looses control and was about to hit an unfortunate Mother and Daughter on a pavement, the bus miraculously stopped. It was then he set his eyes on a lovely stranger that turns out to be Bong-Soon Do.

Fast forward to years later, that guy became the CEO of a game developing company. In one instance maybe by fate he again crosses paths with our heroine while she was disposing a gang that was harassing her and a bus full of kids. As witness, he protects her from further incrimination and offers her a job to be her bodyguard. Now, Bong-Soon have been unlucky securing a job for herself for a while and the lure of developing a game, which she really likes doing, made her say yes to the offer.

And that was the start. Later on, There was a series of crimes that involved women. At first CEO was protective of our heroine but like Peter Parker was taught "With great powers comes great responsibilities" it was now her decision to fulfill her potential or leave everything behind and just live a normal life.

Watch the episodes. Like a typical Korean series it has a lot of entertainment value because of its mix of comedy, action, drama and romance. I am sure you'll gonna enjoy this one.



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