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Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011)


Watson marries.

The enemy's shadow from the first film Dr. Moriarty finally reveals himself. As a scholar he was quite a match for Sherlock. Wit, planning and moves he seem to be a step ahead from the famed detective. This movie quite foreshadows the first world war if you may.

Because of Watson's marriage Holmes pleads with Moriarty to exclude his ally from the mischief he is about to inflict upon the world, but Moriarty said it is impossible not to implicate the doctor in his plot. Thus the game of chess began starting with Holmes saving Mr. and Mrs. Watson on their honeymoon train. From there the two, Watson and Holmes embarked on a quest to stop Moriarty on his tracks, because as you should know Moriarty is well connected to the British elite having established himself as a great scholar and author of sorts.

They followed him to Paris where Holmes discovers a plot to kill Alfred Meinhard, because it will grant Moriarty arms ownership in Germany.

So you see how much salad they throw here to thicken the plot. For me honestly I think it's an overdo. I liked the first movie more than this one, but maybe some detectives in you liked this or will like this if you haven't seen it yet.



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