Old Guard (Netflix)

Spoilers ahead!
Charlize Theron never fails to amaze. She is the new heroine like Angelina was back in the early 2000's.
With this one she is an immortal leading a group of 4 of other immortals. They were given a retrieval job which turns out to be a set up just to check if they really are immortals. After acquiring the information and confirming their suspicion, the group are now the primary target of a pharma mogul hell bent to get profit from their DNA.
How they avert being captured and learning the history this guys have you will learn by watching the movie. As much as possible guys I don't want to give much info because for me it's better you judge for yourselves. I just want to guide you and inform you if I liked a movie/ series or not. That's it for me.
There is a cut secene in the end so I think there is meant to be a part two for this one. Great!
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