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Drive (2011)

 A Look Back on Drive (2011): Movie Review and Commentary ...

I've been seeing more movies lately as we have yet to decide which series we should be watching next.

So we've read rave reviews for this movie so me and the wife decided to give it a try. Noticeable is the techno themed music that suddenly busts out of your sound box. It's Ryan Gosling, maybe at his most serious. He's a driver for hire, be it a get away, a stunt, or just driving a girl. Carey Mulligan is a two timing girl, her husband is in jail and flirts with Gosling. When the husband gets out she plays innocently. Oh, Walter White is in the movie doing his best not to act like Walter White but because he is Walter White then he acts like one. LOL.

Trouble starts when the husband, Standard Gabriel goes home from prison (Guess the writers didn't order a special), he is still being hassled by his handler from detention and wants him to do one more robbery for them. When things goes cahoots, Gosling needs to do what he needs to do.

It's a good movie but it is not without blemish. I think for one the sound guys should have checked better music for this movie. I think the character development also makes you want to know more about the guys in the movie. But, mind you, if there is a sequel for this I would watch that.



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