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Vincenzo (Netflix)


Ooohh another Korean Novela.

The wife and I enjoy this kind of flicks because of it's innovativeness and story telling. I forgot how long we have watched this and how lazy I was  to write something about it. So let's get to it.


What is it about? A Korean child is adopted into Italy and got part of the Mafia, where he rose to prominence and became an internal adviser to the Boss thus wielding huge amount of power, because this boss also treated him like a son. Known as the "Consigliere" within the organization he does some of the dirtiest jobs for the organization.

When the boss dies, a power struggle happens between the real son and the adopted one, thus the adopted boy goes back to Korea where he has some unfinished business to attend to. There, he meets a cast of characters that would alter his life and  make his stay worthwhile.

Why you should watch this? I really thought this was straight up serious shit but after the first scenes where there is some burning and gunfight scenes comes the goofy part, so I loved the transition because doing that makes the series' unpredictable and enjoyable as well. The comedy isn't forced and the actors deliver well on their parts. The villain reveal might be shabby and some parts of it but as a whole the series holds up to a high standard.

Why you shouldn't watch it? You aren't Korean and is bored reading subtitles because it distracts your viewing. Or you aren't Korean but can understand the language and notice that the subtitles are so far from what is being said by the actors. Either way if you miss watching this you miss it. It's an enjoyable watch I must say and the entertainment quality is superb.




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