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Black Widow (2021)


It's been a while since I wrote anything around. Been busy for a while so forgive me for not getting back to you soon enough. I almost forgot the movies and series' I watched so allow me to start from the most recent...

Black Widow

What is it about?

The ever gorgeous Scarlett Johansson returns as agent Natasha Romanov AKA The Black Widow in her swan song for the character. Marvel gave her a proper send off for the character that she's been playing for a decade? That long?

Setting is from the events after the Civil War movie, Widow is on the move, wanted for crimes they did in violation of the Sokovia Accords. There she will reunite with her make-believe family, a front the Russians used to spy and attack the US from within. We also get to see some of Natasha's origins, from how she became an assassin, what happened in Budapest with Clint and the secret organization she's been with.

Why you should watch it?

It's a Marvel movie, if you've been following the superhero franchise then you shouldn't miss this one for continuity. The movie also introduces new characters that might be in future movies so missing this one might confuse you to the next. If you haven't been following the old movies then it's good to start from here where it's more human action possible without too much superpower to boot. I appreciate how simple the story and how straight forward it is. Don't read too much from the critics. Just sit down and enjoy the damn movie.

Why you shouldn't watch it?

Beats me, movie time is always enjoy time for me.




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