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Nobody 2021


Photo: CTTO

What is it about?

Bob Odenkirk (Breaking bad, Better Call Saul) transforms into Mr. Nobody. Hutch Mansell is an ordinary man who misses the garbage truck, exercises, goes to work and gets back home to the family. Too ordinary that life becomes almost monotonous until one night when their home got robbed. He did nothing but his son tried to prevent the burglary and almost nearly for it (almost he got punched because of this). Everybody hears of his inaction and readily condemns him for it. When he hears that his daughter lost her bracelet he snaps. What follows is a series of chaotic circumstances.

Why you should watch it?

Is this really Bob? The transformation is amazing you barely recognize the man. Great acting, actors played their parts quite alright. Story is quite okay and probably a lot better than John Wick (but not better on the fight scenes), some shades of breaking bad. Yeah you'll love this.

Why you wouldn't watch this...

Same old same old violent movie. Plot is the same as the others and you can almost predict what happens. But to me it's still worth the watch... Believe me.

Rating: 3.8 / 5


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