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Wanda Vision (Disney+)


What's this about?

Its the story about Wanda if she re-imagined the world in her head. If you read the House of M series from the comics you'll like get what I just said, but if not then take a sip of that premise first. What if a powerful Magic-wielder reimagines the world according to his/her liking what would it be like?

Why you should watch it?

After a year of superhero movie saturation wouldn't it be fun to watch something affiliated to either or DC for once so we can forget about the still on-going pandemic and experience some life like we used to pre-pandemic? Plus I have finished it and came to liking it very much. It is theatrical quality, story is tight although you can feel some darkness in it (Disney dark as I like to call it). It's really good trust me.

Why you shouldn't watch it...

You may be sidetracked by the sitcom-ish first two episodes and discontinue, I say soldier on the fun just started from there and you'll little by little figure out why those episodes happened.

Rating 4.5/5


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